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Photo Product Solutions
for Large Photo Businesses

Everything you need to manage multiple online shops & brands


iplabs photo business enterprise


You Are In The Right Place

You run an established international photo products business with multiple brands and are looking to get the most out of your brand. Therefore, high conversion rates and an optimal customer lifetime value is high on your prioritization list as well as a reliable partner and service. 

Wide range of photo product editors for all platforms

Cross-platform support

Our mobile-first approach enables users to have a remarkable experience on mobile. Moreover, they can start creating great-looking photo books on their mobile device using AI-supported curation and give a final touch at their desktop PC, either it is a Windows or a Mac.

iplabs photo business cross platform

Add a profitable business with high conversion rates

Optimized workflows for each photo product category

All editors support an optimal workflow for each product category, doesn't matter if for a colour paper photo book, or for a simple gift product.

At the same time, all editors offer the same look and feel, and a rich editor feature set, so that users that used one editor will feel familiar when editing a new product category the first time. This will ensure high brand loyalty and a great customer lifetime value.

iplabs multi device

Increase time to market and differentiate yourself

Speed up your business with our Self Service Tools

Our Self-Service tools allow you to specify new products quickly and easily including a fast turnaround time for proof printing.  At the same time, create and provide your own design content with specific themes and layouts for your users.

iplabs self-service options

Relax, as your photo business gets more than just hosting

Scale your business at any time at any place

Our scalable Cloud Architecture backed up by Amazon Web Services (AWS)  and handled by our experienced service team makes sure your business runs smoothly at all times, even in the heat of the peak season. 

iplabs support

Solutions for Large Photo Businesses

Discover which parts of our solution suits your enterprise photo business best

iplabs products editors

Product Editors

Easy to use and powerful

Our editor has it all - a cross-platform performance, a user-friendly interface and flexible design options.

Learn more about ip.labs photo product editors


Desktop Clients

The easy and joyful experience

Our desktop clients keep your customer’s photos and edits safe, so they can always access them from both Windows and Mac devices.

Learn more about ip.labs desktop clients

iplabs products self-service tools

Self-Service Tools

React fast to the latest trends

Manage your products & design content yourself. Create your products yourself whenever you like without any additional help.

Learn more about ip.labs self-service tools

Overcoming Challenges & Reaching Great Results

Find out how ip.labs helped a photo business set up a whole new product portfolio.

The Path to a Better Performance

The goal of this enterprise photo business was to reach improved performance, scalability, and reliability, especially in peak seasons when the traffic is at its highest. 

The partner's platform was outdated and had issues during peak seasons leading to a loss of profit and dissatisfied customers. 

Their overall performance was also threatened by basket abandonment issues due to the fact that consumers were required to go through the shopping cart process several times, which is generally time-consuming and unpractical.

Moreover, the partner was in a need of a modern state-of-the-art photo product e-commerce solution in order to incorporate more modern features and a fresh look of the system.

The integration of the new ERP needed to be done with a new IT vendor of the partner. ip.labs closely cooperated with all parties involved to make this huge project a success. 

Quick Development

The External Cart API was developed to ameliorate the overall user experience and to solve the basket abandonment issues.  

On top of that, a whole new product portfolio had been developed to give the partner's consumers an engaging experience. 

To make these changes available for end customers, ip.labs took care of updating all relevant desktop clients and mobile apps on the scheduled launch date. 

In order to reach better scalability and reliability even during peak times, the partner was moved from a local data centre to the Amazon Web Services Cloud. 

During this process, ip.labs made sure to establish a close collaboration between the partner and their new IT vendor, so the internal communication between them could go trouble-free and smoothly.

Ultimate Satisfaction

By the end, the launch of External Cart API-based shared basket and the switch to AWS Cloud were successfully running without any issues.  

Consumers can now put all products in one basket without being required to spend a long time going through the shopping cart process, which removed the threat of basket abandonment for the partner.

Further, the communication between all stakeholders went well thanks to the project management supported by ip.labs.

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