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Product Personalization for Food & Pet Products

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Photo product personalization is one of the very significant services a business can offer. More people want to give a personal touch to the products they order based on their own specific needs, making a tangible physical item that will be out there to bring them joy. Whether it is in the kitchen, next to their bed, on the balcony or just a simple item such as a box of chocolate on the living room table or a very personal coffee jar they have created online, or even a food bowl that has the image of their pet on it — it is all a great experience that makes your customer not only get attached to the product, but also binds them to your brand as a photo product business owner.


Why Personalization Matters?

According to McKinsey & Company, the global management consulting company, personalization at scale may increase revenue by 5 to 15% for organizations in retail, travel, entertainment, telecommunications, and financial services. One multinational retailer, for example, saw brand-owned store sales increase in a year owing to a successful personalization project. As a result, more than 90% of retailers rank personalization as a major priority. For the photo business industry, it holds a very special place. It is not just about letting your customers put their names on a product. It is you who gives them the option to make a physical copy of their dearest memories that will last for long, and also use this already special item in their daily needs. Not just any photo product personalization experience, however, guarantees success. As a photo product business owner, it is essential to make your customer’s product customization experience easy and fast, allowing them to unleash their creativity. Easy photo product personalization is the major step to considerable success.

As we have already mentioned in our article about the importance of mobile-first design, nowadays, a growing number of people make purchases online via their smartphones. Mobile commerce now accounts for 30% of all online shopping and based on the research that has conducted, it is expanding 300% faster than conventional commerce. In-app purchases, subscriptions, and premium applications have cost mobile customers an estimated $83.5 billion in 2019. You can cater to this mobile-first approach in your business strategy and generate more sales. Furthermore, you will have these personalization options for the items you offer within your own mobile app with the help of our software toolbox: ip.labs Mobile SDK for Photo Commerce. Developing photo product editors by yourself is expensive, and we know it! Therefore, we offer a fast and modern approach as personalization is trending in different industries all around the world. By positioning it at the centre of your business, you will pave the road for a lot of new opportunities.

Products Personalization in the Pet & Food Industry

Personalized Food Products

Chocolate box packaging

There are numerous ways to make your loved ones happy, a personalized chocolate box will be the perfect gift!

Nowadays, people want more personal products to fit their individual creative needs. For example, if your food products business includes the sale of drinks, you can offer your customers the chance to personalize their drink bottles and cans which they design for a variety of events such as birthdays, weddings, and any celebrations. Or do you sell coffee and sweet treats and want to let your customers design their personal coffee jars and chocolate boxes? Perfect! Not only is this a great, memorable item for them, but it could also be the perfect gift idea.

Personalized Pet products

Cat eating from a bowl

Personalized food bowls will surely always draw smiles on all faces in the household!

The same applies to the pet product industry. As a pet products shop owner, you want to offer your customers the chance to have a personalized product for their pet. Selling pet food or generic pet merchandise might seem like a good idea, but it will not keep your customers interested in the long run. For example, buying a simple black leash for their dogs will be too conventional for some customers, and they would want something more personal. The moment they can add the name of their dog to the leash and perhaps a few stickers to it makes this item one of a kind. It will emotionally connect the customer to the item and to you as a provider, and such an opportunity will generate increased sales for you, hence why it could be greatly beneficial for your shop. Or someone wants to order a bowl for their pet at home and would love to have the name of their dog or cat, or even personalize their purchase to have a photo with the owner and their beloved pet together on the bowl itself. This will surely turn the mundane item into something that makes your customers smile the moment they see it. And if the whole experience is easy, fast, and trouble-free, you will build loyalty in your brand.

Last but not least — as we already highlighted the importance of the mobile-first user experience and mobile apps in one of our previous blog posts, it is essential to offer all these personalization options through a nice, user-friendly and most importantly— effective editors. Even if you have the perfect plan of how to include product personalization options in your business, but you do not offer the right software solution to your customers, and they cannot navigate easily and fast through it, your sales will decrease. Our mobile software development tools are the perfect option, and they will make your customers feel that they are in the right place. You can configure the editors based on your unique brand experience. Also, with our mobile first photo product editors now available for your mobile apps, you can easily integrate multi-platform photo merchandise editors into your mobile app and catch your customers wherever they are in their journey. The daily emerging trends require modern and fast solutions, so your business can always thrive!

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Written by Darsi G.

Hey there! I am the digital marketing manager of ip.labs! I love the whole process of article creation and enjoy writing blog posts. They not only provide the readers with great information but help me, as a digital marketer and writer, learn a lot of new things throughout the research and blog post finalization process. It is a win-win situation! P.S. Hope you like my blog posts!